11 years later amidst continuing massacres, injustice and struggle
3 October 2013 - 3 October 2024
3 October 2013 - 3 October 2024
As an awardee of this year's Tag der Clubkultur, 800A is excited to invite you all to a week-long celebration of Berlin's unique nightlife!
After 10 and a half hours of inspection, we were ordered to "immediately disembark all equipment related to rescue activities on deck, under penalty of forfeiture of the certificate of suitability"
After the first intervention in cooperation with the Italian Coast Guard, between Saturday and Sunday two more rescue operations by the Mare Jonio ship with the support of the Migrantes Foundation sailboat.
The MARE JONIO ship returns to the Central Mediterranean accompanied by the sailing boat organized by the Italian Church: the Pope blesses the expedition.
After the administrative stop imposed by the Italian Government and some maintenance work, the Mare Jonio, is ready to return to sea to rescue people fleeing violence, torture and deportations.
Three years after the presentation of his book "Pane e Acqua" ("Bread and Water"), Ibrahima Lo returns as a guest of Mediterranea Berlin e.V. to present his new book: "La Mia Voce" ("My Voice"). 20 September 19:30 @ Mehringhof: Gneisenaustraße 2A
From 19 to 28 July, Mediterranea Berlin and ANPI Berlin & Brandenburg will go on a mission together to support the Ukrainian population.
Transfer of patrol boats from Italian authorities to Tunisia suspended until further notice.
Live screen printing of products from our merchandising, photo exhibition, video projection of Mediterranea's last missions, PöKü (Pöbelküche for all) and music!
Join us in Berlin at Clash on April 28th to celebrate Italy's Liberation Day from Nazifascism with anpi !
After the shots fired by the so-called Libyan coast guard, MEDITERRANEA asks the Court of Ragusa to release its ship as soon as possible.
Join us, become part of our land and sea crews. Let's decide the route of Mediterranea Saving Humans together.
NAME Mediterranea Berlin e.V.
IBAN: DE05 1005 0000 0191 0213 85
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