People rescue, not the equipment

Help us rescue people in need in the Central Mediterranean

«No one saves themselves alone»

We’ve put a ship to sea, we’ve defended human rights, we’ve rescued hundreds of people.

We did it together. We can do it again!

«Rescue first, discuss later»

The first casualty of any war is the civilian population.

Our objective in Ukraine is the same as in the sea: rescuing people.

The idea behind Mediterranea was born in the summer 2018 out of the indignation at the thousands of deaths in the Mediterranean and the policy of closed ports.
Uniting people and associations, the civil society platform organized itself in a short time to acquire the first and still only civil rescue ship flying the Italian flag in the Mediterranean.

Exactly 5 years after the tragic Lampedusa massacre, the Mare Jonio set sail from the port of Augusta for its first monitoring and rescue mission on the night between 3 and 4 October 2018.

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Mediterranea Saving Humans (IT)

An international observatory against Israeli Occupation

Mediterranea with Palestine - 2025. Read more

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Mediterranea Saving Humans (IT)

GEMEINSAME PRESSEMITTEILUNG Mediterranea Saving Humans – Refugees in Libya

Die Freilassung und Rückkehr eines der grausamsten Verbrecher Libyens, eines Menschenhändlers und Kriegsverbrechers, lässt uns erstaunt und ungläubig zurück. Read more

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Mediterranea Berlin

Migrating is a human right

December 10th is World Human Rights Day, established in 1950 to commemorate the adoption of the Universal Declaration in 1948. Read more

Mediterranea and its crews are active in both sea and land missions. Our commitment, like migrations, knows no borders.
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22 / Mar / 202425 / Mar / 2024

Mediterranean #15

Mediterranea rescues 172 people: 59 in cooperation with the Italian Coastguard, 113 disembarked from Mare Jonio in Pozzallo

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13 / Oct / 202317 / Oct / 2023

Mediterranean #14

Mare Jonio rescued 47 people southeast of Lampedusa on October 14. During the night of Oct. 14-15, they were all disembarked in Lampedusa.

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03 / Jun / 202212 / Jun / 2022

Mediterranean #12

A total of 92 people were rescued in the Central Mediterranean and landed safely in Pozzallo (south-eastern Sicily) last Saturday, 11 June by Mediterranea Saving Humans' Mare Jonio. Our ship had left the previous Friday, 3 June, from the Sicilian port of Mazara del Vallo for the twelfth observation …

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Over the years, Mediterranea has grown more and more and has equipped itself with a structure, becoming a Social Promotion Association (APS). Today it is made up of sea crews and land crews with over 3500 active members in about 40 regions in Italy, Europe and the United States.

Over 40 Landcrews

Mediterranea counts over 40 Land Crews across Italy, Europe and the United States.
The crews are completely autonomous, within the frame of a a horizontal organisational structure, whilst respecting the founding values of our association.
In networks with local human rights organisations, they pave the cultural and political way of a welcoming society, grounded on solidarity.
The best way to play an active role in Mediterranea is to join Mediterranea Berlin. You will be with hundreds of other activists who, every day, dedicate their time and passion to bringing about grassroots change in society.